
на главную страницу

void start_go(char string[])
{ const char * ptr;
int infinite, ponder;
int depth, mate, movestogo, zapas;
__int64 nodes;
int binc, btime, movetime, winc, wtime;
int time, inc, alloc;
struct board_t BoardSave[1];

infinite = 0;
ponder = 0;
depth = -1;
mate = -1;
movestogo = -1;
nodes = -1;
binc = -1;
btime = -1;
movetime = -1;
winc = -1;
wtime = -1;
ptr = strtok(string," ");
for (ptr = strtok(NULL," "); ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok(NULL," ")) {
if (!strcmp(ptr,"binc")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); binc = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"btime")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); btime = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"depth")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); depth = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"infinite")) { infinite = 1; }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"mate")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); mate = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"movestogo")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); movestogo = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"movetime")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); movetime = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"nodes")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); sscanf(ptr,"%I64d",&nodes); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"ponder")) { ponder = 1; }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"winc")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); winc = atoi(ptr); }
else if (!strcmp(ptr,"wtime")) { ptr = strtok(NULL," "); wtime = atoi(ptr); }
best_move = 0;
best_score = 0;
depth_score = 0;
check_nb = 1024;
start_time = GetTickCount();
can_stop = 0;
bad_1 = bad_2 = change = easy = flag = 0;
*pv_str = 0;
stop_search = 0;
depth_is_limited = time_is_limited = 0;
if (depth >= 0) {
depth_is_limited = 1;
depth_limit = depth;
else if (mate >= 0) {
depth_is_limited = 1;
depth_limit = mate * 2 - 1;
if ((Board->turn) == 0) { time = wtime; inc = winc; }
else { time = btime; inc = binc; }
zapas = 0;
if (movestogo <= 0) movestogo = 30;
if (movestogo > 30) { movestogo = 30; zapas = 1; }
time_max = 100000;
if (inc < 0) inc = 0;
if (movetime >= 0) {
time_is_limited = 1;
time_max = movetime;
time_limit_1 = movetime * 5;
time_limit_2 = movetime;
else if (time >= 0) { // контроль времени
time_is_limited = 1;
if (zapas) time_max = ((time / 10) * 9) - 5000; // максимальное время
else time_max = time - 2000;
if (time_max < 0) time_max = 0;
alloc = (time_max + inc * (movestogo - 1)) / movestogo;
if (alloc > time_max) alloc = time_max;
time_limit_1 = alloc; // нижняя граница контроля времени
alloc = (time_max + inc * (movestogo - 1)) / 2; // половина от оставшегося
if (alloc < time_limit_1) alloc = time_limit_1;
if (alloc > time_max) alloc = time_max;
time_limit_2 = alloc; // верхняя граница контроля
// Есть мысль верхнюю границу брать не 1/2 а 1/3 от оставшегося,
// а то бывает долго думает в таких случаях, и потом попадает в цейтнот.
Infinite = 0;
if (infinite || ponder) Infinite = 1;
Searching = 1;
Delay = 0;
memcpy(BoardSave, Board, sizeof(struct board_t));
memcpy(Board, BoardSave, sizeof(struct board_t));
search_time = GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (search_time < 0) search_time = 0;
Searching = 0;
Delay = Infinite;
if (!Delay) send_best_move();
void start_search()
{ int num_moves, time;
__int64 speed;
struct undo_t undo[1];
int i, k, legal, move, score, from ,to, piece, capture, depth, value;
struct entry_t * entry;

true_nodes = 0;
pos_info_entry = Pos_info;
memset(list_root, 0, 256 * sizeof(struct list_t));
if (evaluate(pos_info_entry)) {
gen_evasions(list_root, ~(pos_info_entry->mob[1]));
else {
gen_captures(list_root, Board->mp[White], Board->mp[Black]);
for (i = 0; list_root[i].move != 0; i++);
gen_quiet_moves(list_root + i, pos_info_entry->mob[1], -1, -1, -1);
for (k = i; list_root[k].move != 0; k++) list_root[k].score = 0;
if (setjmp(jmp_buffer) != 0) return;
num_moves = 0;
for (i = 0; list_root[i].move != 0; i++) {
move_do(list_root[i].move, undo);
move_undo(list_root[i].move, undo);
if (legal) { list_root[num_moves].move = list_root[i].move; num_moves++; }
list_root[num_moves].move = 0;

// Следующую строку можно добавлять только после грамотного написания MultiPV,
// иначе может быть ошибка.
// if (num_moves <= 1) { depth_is_limited = 1; depth_limit = 4; }

trans_set_date((trans_date + 1) % DateSize);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
(Pos_info + i)->killer1 = 0;
(Pos_info + i)->killer2 = 0;
memset(History, 0x100, 12 * 64 * sizeof(int));
entry = trans_entry + (KEY_INDEX & trans_mask);
for (i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, entry++) if (entry->lock == KEY_LOCK) trans_move = entry->move;
if (num_moves >= 2) {
for (i = num_moves - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
move = list_root[i].move;
if (move == trans_move) score = 0x7FFFFFFF;
else {
from = MOVE_FROM(move);
to = MOVE_TO(move);
piece = Board->square[from];
capture = Board->square[to];
if (capture != 0) score = (capture * 16) - piece + 0x7FFFFEFF;
else score = move_order(move);
for (k = i; score < list_root[k + 1].score; k++) {
list_root[k].move = list_root[k + 1].move;
list_root[k].score = list_root[k + 1].score;
list_root[k].move = move;
list_root[k].score = score;
for (depth = 1; depth < 72; depth++) {
if (Post) fprintf(stdout,"info depth %d\n",depth);
bad_1 = change = 0;
value = full_root(depth);
if (best_score <= -32000 || best_score >= 32000) break; // мат
if (depth == 1 && num_moves >= 2 && list_root[0].score >= list_root[1].score + 150) easy = 1;
if (depth > 1) { bad_2 = bad_1; bad_1 = 0; }
if (depth >= 5) can_stop = 1;
depth_score = best_score;
if (depth_is_limited && depth >= depth_limit) break;
time = GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
if (Post) {
speed = 0;
if (time > 0) speed = (true_nodes * 1000) / time;
fprintf(stdout,"info depth %d time %d nodes %I64d nps %I64d\n",
if (time_is_limited) {
if (time >= time_limit_1 && !bad_2) flag = 1;
else if (time >= (time_limit_1 / 6) && easy) flag = 1;
else if (time >= (time_limit_1 / 2) && !bad_2 && !change) flag = 1;
if (can_stop && flag) stop_search = 1;
if (stop_search) break;
void disp_pv()
{ int i, j, pos, move, score, time;
__int64 speed, nodes;
char string[10] = "cp";
char multi[100] = "";
int pv[256];
FILE * ft;

for (i = 0; i < MultiPV; i++) for (j = i + 1; j < MultiPV; j++) {
if (multipv[j].score > multipv[i].score) {
memcpy(pv, multipv[i].pv, 256 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(multipv[i].pv, multipv[j].pv, 256 * sizeof(int));
memcpy(multipv[j].pv, pv, 256 * sizeof(int));
score = multipv[i].score;
multipv[i].score = multipv[j].score;
multipv[j].score = score;
nodes = multipv[i].nodes;
multipv[i].nodes = multipv[j].nodes;
multipv[j].nodes = nodes;
time = multipv[i].time;
multipv[i].time = multipv[j].time;
multipv[j].time = time;
speed = multipv[i].speed;
multipv[i].speed = multipv[j].speed;
multipv[j].speed = speed;
best_move = multipv[0].pv[0];
memcpy(best_pv, multipv[0].pv, 256 * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < MultiPV; i++) {
if (multipv[i].score < -32000) break;
pos = 0;
pv_str[0] = 0;
for (j = 0; multipv[i].pv[j] != 0; j++) {
if (pos > 0) { pv_str[pos] = ' '; pos++; }
move = multipv[i].pv[j];
pv_str[pos++] = ((move >> 6) & 7) + 'a';
pv_str[pos++] = ((move >> 9) & 7) + '1';
pv_str[pos++] = (move & 7) + 'a';
pv_str[pos++] = ((move >> 3) & 7) + '1';
if (MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move)) {
if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoQueen) pv_str[pos++] = 'q';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoRook) pv_str[pos++] = 'r';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoBishop) pv_str[pos++] = 'b';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoKnight) pv_str[pos++] = 'n';
pv_str[pos] = 0;
score = multipv[i].score;
if (best_score < -30000 || best_score > 30000) {
if (j & 1) score = j / 2 + 1; else score = - (j / 2);
if (MultiPV > 1) sprintf(multi,"multipv %d",i+1);
if (Post) {
fprintf(stdout,"info depth %d %s score %s %d time %d nodes %I64d nps %I64d pv %s\n",
if (testing) {
ft = fopen("test.txt","a");
fprintf(ft,"%2.2d : %s = %d %s (%I64d)\n",
void pv_cat(int dst[], const int src[], int move)
{ *dst++ = move;
while ((*dst++ = *src++) != 0);
int full_root(int depth)
{ struct undo_t undo[1];
int i, j, move, piece, new_depth, flag_add_depth, in_check;
int value, best_value, alpha, num_moves, time;
int pv_cnt = 0, min_value, min_index;
__int64 speed;
int new_pv[256];
char string[20];

alpha = -31500;
best_value = -32500;
best_depth = depth;
for (i = 0; i < MultiPV; i++) {
multipv[i].score = -32500;
multipv[i].time = 0;
multipv[i].speed = 0;
multipv[i].nodes = 0;
for (num_moves = 0; list_root[num_moves].move != 0; num_moves++) list_root[num_moves].score = 0;
for (i = 0; (move = list_root[i].move) != 0; i++) {
if (Post && depth > 10 && time_max > 10000) {
move_to_string(move, string);
fprintf(stdout,"info currmove %s currmovenumber %d\n",string,i+1);
piece = Board->square[MOVE_FROM(move)];
flag_add_depth = 0;
if (PIECE_IS_PAWN(piece))
if (((move >> 3) & 7) == 6 || ((move >> 3) & 7) == 1)
if (see_move(move)) flag_add_depth = 1;
move_do(move, undo);
in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
new_depth = depth - 1;
if (flag_add_depth || in_check) new_depth++;
if (best_value != -32500 && new_depth > 0) {
if (in_check) value = -full_check_search(-alpha, new_depth, 3, new_pv);
else value = -full_search(-alpha, new_depth, 3, new_pv);
if (value > alpha) {
change = 1; easy = flag = 0;
value = -full_pv_search(-31500, -alpha, new_depth, in_check, new_pv);
else value = -full_pv_search(-31500, -alpha, new_depth, in_check, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (value <= alpha) list_root[i].score = 0;
else if (value >= 31500) list_root[i].score = 63000;
else list_root[i].score = value + 31500;
if (value > best_value) {
// Ох, и криво написан MultiPV - с кучей багов. Надо бы переписать !!!
if (pv_cnt < MultiPV) {
pv_cat(multipv[pv_cnt].pv, new_pv, move);
multipv[pv_cnt].score = value;
multipv[pv_cnt].nodes = true_nodes;
time = GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
speed = 0;
if (time > 0) speed = (true_nodes * 1000) / time;
multipv[pv_cnt].time = time;
multipv[pv_cnt].speed = speed;
if (pv_cnt == MultiPV) {
min_value = 32500;
min_index = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MultiPV; j++) if (multipv[j].score < min_value) {
min_value = multipv[j].score;
min_index = j;
if (value > min_value) {
pv_cat(multipv[min_index].pv, new_pv, move);
multipv[min_index].score = value;
multipv[min_index].nodes = true_nodes;
time = GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
speed = 0;
if (time > 0) speed = (true_nodes * 1000) / time;
multipv[min_index].time = time;
multipv[min_index].speed = speed;
if (best_value == -32500 || value > alpha) {
best_move = move;
best_score = value;
best_depth = depth;
if (depth > 1 && value < depth_score - 50) { bad_1 = 1; easy = flag = 0; }
best_value = value;
if (best_value > alpha) {
alpha = best_value;
if (alpha >= 31500) break;
if (time_max > 10000 || depth > 5) disp_pv();
list_root[num_moves].score = 0;
for (i = num_moves - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
move = list_root[i].move;
value = list_root[i].score;
for (j = i; value < list_root[j+1].score; j++) {
list_root[j].score = list_root[j+1].score;
list_root[j].move = list_root[j+1].move;
list_root[j].move = move;
list_root[j].score = value;
return best_value;
int full_search(int beta, int depth, int search_parm, int * pv)
{ struct moves_info_t moves_info[1];
struct undo_t undo[1];
struct undo_null_t undo_null[1];
int i, value, new_value, turn, move, new_depth, in_check, best_value, moves_cnt, trans_depth;
unsigned __int64 mask;
struct entry_t * entry;
int new_pv[256];

*pv = 0;
for (i = 4; i <= Board->ply_nb; i+= 2) if (Board->stack[Board->sp - i] == Board->key) return 0;
entry = trans_entry + (KEY_INDEX & trans_mask);
moves_info->trans_move = 0;
trans_depth = 0;
undo_null->ply_nb = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, entry++) if (entry->lock == KEY_LOCK) {
entry->date = (unsigned char)trans_date;
moves_info->trans_move = (int)entry->move;
trans_depth = (int)entry->max_depth;
if (entry->min_depth >= depth && entry->min_value >= beta) {
best_trans_move = (int)entry->move;
return entry->min_value;
if (entry->max_depth >= depth && entry->max_value < beta) return entry->max_value;
value = pos_info_entry->value + 125;
if (value < beta) {
if (depth == 1) {
new_value = qu_search(beta-1, beta, 0, new_pv);
if (new_value >= value) return new_value; else return value;
value += 175;
if (value < beta && depth <= 3) {
new_value = qu_search(beta-1, beta, depth*8-8, new_pv);
if (new_value < beta) {
if (new_value >= value) return new_value; else return value;
if (depth >= 2 && pos_info_entry->value >= beta) {
turn = Board->turn;
mask = Board->mp[10+turn] | Board->mp[8+turn] |
Board->mp[6 +turn] | Board->mp[4+turn];
if (mask != 0 && (search_parm & 1) && (search_parm & 2)) {
(pos_info_entry + 1)->mob[0] = pos_info_entry->mob[1];
(pos_info_entry + 1)->mob[1] = pos_info_entry->mob[0];
(pos_info_entry + 1)->value = 6 - (pos_info_entry->value);
if (depth <= 4) new_value = -qu_search(-beta, 1-beta, 0, new_pv);
else new_value = -full_search(1-beta, depth-4, 7, new_pv);
Board->turn ^= 1;
Board->ep_square = undo_null->ep_square;
Board->ply_nb = undo_null->ply_nb;
Board->key = undo_null->key;

// верификация пустого хода - тоже из одной из Белок, что дает - неизвестно.
if (depth > 5 && new_value >= beta) new_value = full_search(beta,depth-5,0,new_pv);

if (new_value >= beta) {
trans_min_store((char)depth, (__int16)new_value);
best_trans_move = 0;
return new_value;
search_parm |= 2;
if (depth >= 4 && moves_info->trans_move == 0 && depth > trans_depth+2 && (search_parm & 1)) {
if (pos_info_entry->value >= beta || depth >= 6) {
if (full_search(beta, depth-2, 3, new_pv) >= beta) moves_info->trans_move = best_trans_move;
moves_info->entry = 0;
moves_info->next = moves_info->list;
best_value = -32500;
moves_cnt = 0;
move = next_move(moves_info, pos_info_entry);
if (move == 0) return 0;
while (move != 0) {
move_do(move, undo);
in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(move, undo);
else {
new_depth = depth - 1;
if (in_check) new_depth++;
else if (depth >= 3 && moves_info->entry == 5 && moves_cnt >= 4) new_depth--;
if (new_depth <= 0) new_value = -qu_search(-beta, 1-beta, 0, new_pv);
else if (in_check) new_value = -full_check_search(1-beta, new_depth, search_parm^1, new_pv);
else new_value = -full_search(1-beta, new_depth, search_parm^1, new_pv);
if (new_depth == depth-2 && new_value >= beta)
new_value = -full_search(1-beta, new_depth+1, 0, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, move);
if (new_value >= beta) {
if (!MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move) && !MOVE_IS_ENPASSANT(move) && Board->square[MOVE_TO(move)] == 0)
history_store(pos_info_entry, move, depth);
best_trans_move = move;
trans_move_store((unsigned __int16)move, (char)depth, (__int16)new_value);
return new_value;
search_parm &= 6;
move = next_move(moves_info, pos_info_entry);
if (best_value == -32500) { best_trans_move = 0; return 0; }
trans_max_store((char)depth, (_int16)best_value);
if (check_nb <= 0) {
check_nb = 1024;
return best_value;
int full_check_search(int beta, int depth, int search_parm, int * pv)
{ struct undo_t undo[1];
struct list_t moves[32];
struct list_t *last, *moveptr;
int i, move, new_depth, new_value, in_check, best_value;
struct entry_t * entry;
int new_pv[256];

*pv = 0;
for (i = 4; i <= Board->ply_nb; i+= 2) if (Board->stack[Board->sp - i] == Board->key) return 0;
entry = trans_entry + (KEY_INDEX & trans_mask);
move = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, entry++) if (entry->lock == KEY_LOCK) {
entry->date = (unsigned char)trans_date;
move = (int)entry->move;
if (entry->min_depth >= depth && entry->min_value >= beta) return entry->min_value;
if (entry->max_depth >= depth && entry->max_value < beta) return entry->max_value;
last = gen_evasions(moves, ~(pos_info_entry->mob[1]));
if (last > moves) note_moves(last, moves, pos_info_entry, move);
best_value = -32000;
for (moveptr = moves; moveptr->move != 0; moveptr++) {
move = moveptr->move;
move_do(move, undo);
in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(move, undo);
else {
new_depth = depth - 1;
if (last == moves || in_check) new_depth++;
if (new_depth <= 0) new_value = -qu_search(-beta, 1-beta, 0, new_pv);
else if (in_check) new_value = -full_check_search(1-beta, new_depth, search_parm^1, new_pv);
else new_value = -full_search(1-beta, new_depth, search_parm^1, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, move);
if (new_value >= beta) {
trans_move_store((__int16)move, (char)depth, (__int16)new_value);
return new_value;
search_parm &= 6;
trans_max_store((char)depth, (__int16)best_value);
return best_value;
int full_pv_search(int alpha, int beta, int depth, int in_check, int * pv)
{ int flag_one_move, flag_add_depth, flag_in_check;
struct undo_t undo[1];
struct moves_info_t moves_info[1];
struct list_t * last;
int i, move, new_depth, new_value, best_value, best_move;
struct entry_t * entry;
int new_pv[256];

if (depth <= 0) return qu_search(alpha, beta, 0, pv);
*pv = 0;
if (Board->ply_nb > 100) return 0;
for (i = 4; i <= Board->ply_nb; i += 2) if (Board->stack[Board->sp - i] == Board->key) return 0;
entry = trans_entry + (KEY_INDEX & trans_mask);
moves_info->trans_move = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ClusterSize; i++, entry++) if (entry->lock == KEY_LOCK) {
moves_info->trans_move = entry->move;
if (depth >= 2 && moves_info->trans_move == 0) {
full_pv_search(alpha, beta, depth-1, in_check, new_pv);
moves_info->trans_move = best_trans_move;
flag_one_move = 0;
moves_info->entry = 0;
if (in_check) {
last = gen_evasions(moves_info->list, ~(pos_info_entry->mob[1]));
flag_one_move = 1;
if (last > moves_info->list) {
note_moves(last, moves_info->list, pos_info_entry, moves_info->trans_move);
flag_one_move = 0;
moves_info->entry = 7;
moves_info->next = moves_info->list;
best_value = -32500;
best_move = 0;
while ((move = next_move(moves_info, pos_info_entry)) != 0) {
flag_add_depth = 0;
if (flag_one_move) flag_add_depth = 1;
else {
if (pos_info_entry != Pos_info && ((((pos_info_entry-1)->move) ^ move) & 0x3F) == 0 &&
(pos_info_entry->value + 50 < -(pos_info_entry-1)->value) && see_move(move) != 0) flag_add_depth = 1;
if (PIECE_IS_PAWN(Board->square[MOVE_FROM(move)]) &&
((((unsigned __int64)1) << (MOVE_TO(move))) & 0x00FF00000000FF00) != 0 &&
see_move(move) != 0) flag_add_depth = 1;
move_do(move, undo);
flag_in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(move, undo);
else {
new_depth = depth - 1;
if (flag_add_depth || flag_in_check) new_depth++;
(pos_info_entry-1)->move = move;
if (best_value == -32500) new_value = -full_pv_search(-beta, -alpha, new_depth, flag_in_check, new_pv);
else {
if (new_depth <= 0) new_value = -qu_search(-alpha-1, -alpha, 0, new_pv);
else {
if (flag_in_check) new_value = -full_check_search(-alpha, new_depth, 3, new_pv);
else new_value = -full_search(-alpha, new_depth, 3, new_pv);
if (new_value > alpha) new_value = -full_pv_search(-beta, -alpha, new_depth, flag_in_check, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, move);
if (new_value > alpha) {
alpha = new_value;
best_move = move;
if (new_value >= beta) {
best_trans_move = move;
if (!MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move) && !MOVE_IS_ENPASSANT(move) && Board->square[MOVE_TO(move)] == 0)
history_store(pos_info_entry, move, depth);
trans_move_store((unsigned __int16)move, (char)depth, (__int16)new_value);
return new_value;
best_trans_move = best_move;
if (best_value == -32500) best_value = (-in_check) & 0xFFFF8300;
else {
if (best_move != 0) {
if (!MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(best_move) && !MOVE_IS_ENPASSANT(best_move) && Board->square[MOVE_TO(best_move)] == 0)
history_store(pos_info_entry, best_move, depth);
trans_store((unsigned __int16)best_move, (char)depth, (__int16)best_value);
else trans_max_store((char)depth, (__int16)best_value);
return best_value;
int qu_search(int alpha, int beta, int depth, int * pv)
{ unsigned __int64 mask_w, mask_b;
struct undo_t undo[1];
struct list_t list[64];
struct list_t * pi, * pj;
int i, move, score, next_move, next_score, new_value, best_value, in_check;
int piece, to;
int new_pv[256];

*pv = 0;
for (i = 4; i <= Board->ply_nb ; i += 2) if (Board->stack[Board->sp - i] == Board->key) return 0;
mask_w = Board->mp[White];
mask_b = Board->mp[Black];
best_value = pos_info_entry->value;
if (pos_info_entry->value > alpha) {
alpha = pos_info_entry->value;
if (alpha >= beta) return alpha;
else if (pos_info_entry->value < (alpha - 250)) {
// delta pruning: если оценка позиции хуже alpha,
// то из взятий убираем "слабые" взятия через маски mask_w и mask_b
best_value = pos_info_entry->value + 250;
mask_w ^= Board->mp[WhitePawn];
mask_b ^= Board->mp[BlackPawn];
// В оригинальной версии Стрелки исключались только взятия пешек
// Следующие исключения - Белка 1.8.12 (+13 пунктов !!!)
if (pos_info_entry->value < (alpha - 450)) {
best_value = pos_info_entry->value + 450;
mask_w ^= Board->mp[WhiteKnight];
mask_b ^= Board->mp[BlackKnight];
mask_w ^= Board->mp[WhiteBishop];
mask_b ^= Board->mp[BlackBishop];
if (pos_info_entry->value < (alpha - 650)) {
best_value = pos_info_entry->value + 650;
mask_w ^= Board->mp[WhiteRook];
mask_b ^= Board->mp[BlackRook];
if (pos_info_entry->value < (alpha - 1050)) {
best_value = pos_info_entry->value + 1050;
mask_w ^= Board->mp[WhiteQueen];
mask_b ^= Board->mp[BlackQueen];
gen_captures(list, mask_w, mask_b);
for (pi = list; pi->move != 0; pi++) {
next_move = pi->move;
next_score = pi->score;
for (pj = pi + 1; pj->move != 0; pj++) {
move = pj->move;
score = pj->score;
if (score > next_score) {
pj->score = next_score;
pj->move = next_move;
next_score = score;
next_move = move;
if (depth > 0 || see_move(next_move) != 0) {
move_do(next_move, undo);
in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(next_move, undo);
else {
if (in_check) new_value = -qu_check_search(-beta, -alpha, depth-1, new_pv);
else new_value = -qu_search(-beta, -alpha, depth-8, new_pv);
move_undo(next_move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, next_move);
if (new_value > alpha) {
alpha = new_value;
if (new_value >= beta) return new_value;
if (depth <= -6) return best_value;
// в генерации шахов нужно "вернуть" слабые взятия, отброшенные по delta pruning;
// делаем это через маски ~mask_w и ~mask_b
gen_checks(list, ~mask_w, ~mask_b);
for (pi = list; pi->move != 0; pi++) {
move = pi->move;
// ход может быть с превращением, а в gen_checks это не учитывается,
// поэтому для таких случаев добавляем флаг превращения в ферзя;
// слабые превращения здесь учитывать не будем.
piece = Board->square[MOVE_FROM(move)];
to = MOVE_TO(move);
if (PIECE_IS_PAWN(piece) && (to > 55 || to < 8) && !MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move))
move |= FlagPromoQueen;
if (depth > 0 || see_move(move) != 0) {
move_do(move, undo);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(move, undo);
else {
new_value = -qu_check_search(-beta, -alpha, depth-1, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, move);
if (new_value > alpha) {
alpha = new_value;
if (new_value >= beta) return new_value;
return best_value;
int qu_check_search(int alpha, int beta, int depth, int * pv)
{ struct undo_t undo[1];
struct list_t moves[32];
struct list_t * last, * pi;
int i, from, move, to, piece, capture, score, new_value, in_check, best_value, sub_depth;
int new_pv[256];

*pv = 0;
for (i = 4; i <= Board->ply_nb ; i += 2) if (Board->stack[Board->sp - i] == Board->key) return 0;
last = gen_evasions(moves, ~(pos_info_entry->mob[1]));
sub_depth = 1;
if (last > moves) {
(last+1)->score = -30000;
from = MOVE_FROM(last->move);
to = MOVE_TO(last->move);
piece = Board->square[from];
capture = Board->square[to];
last->score = (capture * 16 - piece) * capture;
sub_depth = 8;
for (last = last - 1; last >= moves; last--) {
from = MOVE_FROM(last->move);
to = MOVE_TO(last->move);
piece = Board->square[from];
capture = Board->square[to];
score = (capture * 16 - piece) * capture;
move = last->move;
for (pi = last; (pi+1)->score > score; pi++) {
pi->move = (pi+1)->move;
pi->score = (pi+1)->score;
pi->move = move;
pi->score = score;
best_value = -32000;
for (pi = moves; pi->move != 0; pi++) {
move = pi->move;
move_do(move, undo);
in_check = evaluate(pos_info_entry);
if (ILLEGAL_POSITION) move_undo(move, undo);
else {
if (in_check) new_value = -qu_check_search(-beta, -alpha, depth-1, new_pv);
else new_value = -qu_search(-beta, -alpha, depth-sub_depth, new_pv);
move_undo(move, undo);
if (new_value > best_value) {
best_value = new_value;
pv_cat(pv, new_pv, move);
if (new_value > alpha) {
alpha = new_value;
if (new_value >= beta) return new_value;
return best_value;
// генерация ходов для функций типа full_search
int next_move(struct moves_info_t * moves_info, struct pos_info_t * pos_info)
{ int move, move1, score, score1;
struct list_t * next;

switch(moves_info->entry) {
case 0: // сначала - trans_move
move = moves_info->trans_move;
moves_info->entry = 1;
if (move != 0) { // проверяем trans_move
if (Board->square[MOVE_FROM(move)] != 0) {
if ((Board->square[MOVE_TO(move)] & 0x0E) != 12) {
if (!(move & 0x7000)) return(move);
if (Board->square[MOVE_FROM(move)] == ((Board->turn)^2)) return(move);
if (move_is_legal(move, pos_info) != 0) return(move);
if (MOVE_TO(move) == Board->ep_square) return(move);
case 1: // после trans_move генерим взятия
moves_info->entry = 2;
gen_captures(moves_info->list, Board->mp[White], Board->mp[Black]);
moves_info->bad_cnt = 0;
case 2: // проходим по взятиям и берем только хорошие по see_move
for (move = moves_info->next->move; move != 0; move = moves_info->next->move) {
score = moves_info->next->score;
next = moves_info->next;
for (move1 = next->move; move1 != 0; next++, move1 = next->move) {
score1 = next->score;
if (score1 > score) {
next->move = move;
next->score = score;
move = move1;
score = score1;
if (move != moves_info->trans_move) {
if (see_move(move) != 0) return(move);
// плохие взятия заносим в отдельный список bad_captures
moves_info->bad_captures[moves_info->bad_cnt] = move;
// первый killer
move = pos_info->killer1;
moves_info->bad_captures[moves_info->bad_cnt] = 0;
moves_info->entry = 3;
if (move != moves_info->trans_move) {
if (move_is_legal(move, pos_info) != 0) return(move);
case 3: // второй killer
move = pos_info->killer2;
moves_info->entry = 4;
if (move != moves_info->trans_move) {
if (move_is_legal(move, pos_info) != 0) return(move);
case 4: // тихие ходы
moves_info->entry = 5;
moves_info->next = moves_info->list;
gen_quiet_moves(moves_info->list, pos_info->mob[1], moves_info->trans_move, pos_info->killer1, pos_info->killer2);
case 5: // проходим по тихим ходам
move = moves_info->next->move;
if (move != 0) return(move);
moves_info->entry = 6;
moves_info->bad_index = 0;
case 6: // в последнюю очередь - плохие взятия
move = moves_info->bad_captures[moves_info->bad_index];
case 7: // особый случай для evasions
move = moves_info->next->move;

void search_check()
{ int time;

while (!stop_search && input_available()) get_uci_command();
time = (int)GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
if (stop_search || (time_is_limited && can_stop && time > time_limit_2)) {
stop_search = 1;
longjmp(jmp_buffer, 1);