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Parse.c - Функции обработки команд UCI
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "strelka.h"

extern const int White;
extern const int Black;
extern const int FlagCastle;
extern const int FlagEnpassant;
extern const int FlagPromoQueen;
extern const int FlagPromoRook;
extern const int FlagPromoBishop;
extern const int FlagPromoKnight;

extern struct board_t Board[1];
extern int stop_search;
extern int best_move;
extern int best_score;
extern int best_depth;
extern int best_pv[];
extern char start_pos[];
extern __int64 true_nodes;
extern int start_time, search_time;
extern int testing;
extern int History[12][64];
extern struct pawn_info_t * pawn_entry;
extern struct entry_t * trans_entry;
extern struct pos_info_t Pos_info[];
extern struct pos_info_t * pos_info_entry;
extern struct list_t list_root[];

extern int Searching;
extern int Infinite;
extern int Delay;
extern int Post;
extern int MultiPV;

void parse_position(char []);
int parse_move(char []);

void move_to_string(int move, char string[])
{ int pos = 0;

string[pos++] = ((move >> 6) & 7) + 'a';
string[pos++] = ((move >> 9) & 7) + '1';
string[pos++] = (move & 7) + 'a';
string[pos++] = ((move >> 3) & 7) + '1';
if (MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move)) {
if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoQueen) string[pos++] = 'q';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoRook) string[pos++] = 'r';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoBishop) string[pos++] = 'b';
else if ((move & 0x7000) == FlagPromoKnight) string[pos++] = 'n';
string[pos] = 0;

int move_from_string(char cmove[])
{ int from, to, move;

from = ((cmove[1] - '1') * 8) + (cmove[0] - 'a');
to = ((cmove[3] - '1') * 8) + (cmove[2] - 'a');
move = (from << 6) | to;
if (Board->square[from] == 12 && ((from - to) == 2 || (to - from) == 2)) move |= FlagCastle;
if (Board->square[from] == 13 && ((from - to) == 2 || (to - from) == 2)) move |= FlagCastle;
if (Board->ep_square != 0 && to == Board->ep_square) move |= FlagEnpassant;
if (cmove[4] != 0) {
if (cmove[4] == 'q') move |= FlagPromoQueen;
else if (cmove[4] == 'r') move |= FlagPromoRook;
else if (cmove[4] == 'b') move |= FlagPromoBishop;
else if (cmove[4] == 'n') move |= FlagPromoKnight;
return move;

int input_available()
{ static int init = 0, is_pipe;
static HANDLE stdin_h;
DWORD val;

if (stdin->_cnt > 0) return 1;
if (!init) {
init = 1;
stdin_h = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
is_pipe = !GetConsoleMode(stdin_h,&val);
if (!is_pipe) {
if (is_pipe) {
if (!PeekNamedPipe(stdin_h,NULL,0,NULL,&val,NULL)) return 1;
return val > 0;
else {
return val > 1;
return 0;

void send_best_move()
{ char string[20], ponder[20];
int time;
__int64 speed = 0;

if (!Post) return;
time = GetTickCount() - start_time;
if (time > 0) speed = (true_nodes * 1000) / time;
fprintf(stdout,"info time %d nodes %I64d nps %I64d\n",time,true_nodes,speed);
move_to_string(best_move, string);
if (best_pv[0] == best_move && best_pv[1] != 0) {
move_to_string(best_pv[1], ponder);
fprintf(stdout,"bestmove %s ponder %s\n",string,ponder);
else fprintf(stdout,"bestmove %s\n",string);

#ifdef TEST_VER

void run_epd_test(char string[])
{ char fen[1000];
char *epd_file;
FILE * finp;
FILE * ft;
FILE * fst;
int n = 0;
int time = 0;
__int64 cnt = 0;
char *go_str = "go depth 10";
int count_ok = 0;
int move;
char *ptr;
char str[256];
int count_key = 0, ok_key = 0;

epd_file = strchr(string,' ');
if (epd_file == NULL) return;
if (strlen(epd_file) == 0) return;
if ((finp = fopen(epd_file, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stdout,"Can't Open File %s\n", epd_file);
testing = 1; Post = 0;
ft = fopen("test.txt", "w"); fclose(ft);
fst = fopen("stat.txt", "w"); fclose(fst);
while (!feof(finp)) {
if (!fgets(fen, (int)sizeof(fen), finp)) continue;
if (!memcmp(fen,"ucinewgame",10)) { trans_clear(); continue; }
fprintf(stdout,"P%4.4d ",n);
ft = fopen("test.txt","a");
move = 0;
if (ptr = strstr(fen,"bm ")) move = move_from_string(ptr + 3);
if (strstr(fen,"; key")) count_key++;

// trans_clear();
// memset(History, 0, 12*64*sizeof(int));
// memset(pawn_entry, 0, 0xC00000);

if (move != 0 && best_move == move) {
if (strstr(fen,"; key")) ok_key++;
ft = fopen("test.txt","a");
fprintf(ft,"Nodes : %I64d\n\n",true_nodes);
cnt += true_nodes;
time += search_time;
fprintf(stdout,"Nodes = %I64d Time = %d Ok = %d/%d Key = %d/%d\n",
if ((n % 50) == 0) {
fst = fopen("stat.txt","a");
fprintf(fst,"P%4.4d Nodes = %I64d Time = %d Ok = %d/%d Key = %d/%d\n",
fst = fopen("stat.txt","a");
fprintf(fst,"P%4.4d Nodes = %I64d Time = %d Ok = %d/%d Key = %d/%d\n",

void gen_legal_moves()
{ int i, k, num_moves, legal;
struct undo_t undo[1];

pos_info_entry = Pos_info;
memset(list_root, 0, 256 * sizeof(struct list_t));
if (evaluate(pos_info_entry)) {
gen_evasions(list_root, ~(pos_info_entry->mob[1]));
else {
gen_captures(list_root, Board->mp[White], Board->mp[Black]);
for (i = 0; list_root[i].move != 0; i++);
gen_quiet_moves(list_root + i, pos_info_entry->mob[1], -1, -1, -1);
for (k = i; list_root[k].move != 0; k++) list_root[k].score = 0;
num_moves = 0;
for (i = 0; list_root[i].move != 0; i++) {
move_do(list_root[i].move, undo);
move_undo(list_root[i].move, undo);
if (legal) { list_root[num_moves].move = list_root[i].move; num_moves++; }
list_root[num_moves].move = 0;

int parse_move(char cmove[])
{ int i, move, from, to, piece, pos, findmove;
int left, right, match, matches;
char stroka[20];
char c, pt = 0, promotion = 0, file = 0, rank = 0;
char ptypes[14] = {0,0,'P','P','N','N','B','B','R','R','Q','Q','K','K'};

if (strstr(cmove,"O-O-O") || strstr(cmove,"0-0-0") || strstr(cmove,"000")) {
for (i = 0; (move = list_root[i].move) != 0; i++) {
from = MOVE_FROM(move);
to = MOVE_TO(move);
piece = Board->square[from];
if ((piece & 0x0E) == 12 && (from - to) == 2) return move;
return 0;
if (strstr(cmove,"O-O") || strstr(cmove,"0-0") || strstr(cmove,"00")) {
for (i = 0; (move = list_root[i].move) != 0; i++) {
from = MOVE_FROM(move);
to = MOVE_TO(move);
piece = Board->square[from];
if ((piece & 0x0E) == 12 && (to - from) == 2) return move;
return 0;
// удаляем символы 'x' '=' '+' '#' и переводим в верхний регистр
memset(stroka, 0, 20); pos = 0;
for (i = 0; (c = cmove[i]) != 0; i++) if (!strchr("x=+#", c))
stroka[pos++] = strchr("qrn", c) ? toupper(c) : c;
left = 0; right = strlen(stroka) - 1;
if (strstr(stroka, "/ep")) right -= 3;
// смотрим превращение пешки
if (strchr("QRBN", stroka[right])) promotion = stroka[right--];
// тип ходящей фигуры - символ 'K' 'Q' 'R' 'B' 'N' 'P'
if (left < right) {
if (strchr("KQRBN", stroka[left])) pt = stroka[left++];
else pt = 'P'; // если не указана фигура, то это пешка
// определяем позицию to
if (left < right) {
if (stroka[right] < '1' || stroka[right] > '8' ||
stroka[right - 1] < 'a' || stroka[right - 1] > 'h') return 0;
to = ((stroka[right] - '1') * 8) + (stroka[right - 1] - 'a');
right -= 2;
else return 0;
// определяем file, rank
if (left <= right) {
if (strchr("abcdefgh", stroka[left])) file = stroka[left++];
if (strchr("12345678", stroka[left])) rank = stroka[left];
matches = 0;
findmove = 0;
for (i = 0; (move = list_root[i].move) != 0; i++) {
from = MOVE_FROM(move);
piece = ptypes[Board->square[from]];
match = 1;
if (piece != pt) match = 0;
else if (MOVE_TO(move) != to) match = 0;
else if (MOVE_IS_PROMOTION(move) && ptypes[PIECE_PROMO(move,Board->turn)] != promotion) match = 0;
else if (file != 0 && (file - 'a') != (from & 7)) match = 0;
else if (rank != 0 && (rank - '1') != (from >> 3)) match = 0;
if (match) { findmove = move; matches++; }
if (matches == 1) return findmove;
return 0;

struct pgn_t {
char WhitePlayer[100]; // имя игрока, играющего белыми
char BlackPlayer[100]; // имя игрока, играющего черными
char Winner; // кто выиграл: 0 - ничья, 1 - выигрыш белых, 2 - черных
int PlyCount; // количество ходов
int Moves[1000];
struct {
int pv[100];
int value;
int depth;
int time;
} comment[1000];
} Pgn[1];

void parse_comment(char stroka[], struct pgn_t * pgn, int n)
{ char *ptr = stroka;
char cmove[20];
int i, move, num_moves = 0;
struct undo_t undo[100];
int znak, mate;

for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) pgn->comment[n].pv[i] = 0;
pgn->comment[n].value = 0;
pgn->comment[n].depth = 0;
pgn->comment[n].time = 0;
i = 0;
if (*ptr == '(') {
while (num_moves < 100) {
if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == ')') {
cmove[i] = 0;
move = parse_move(cmove);
if (!move) break;
move_do(move, undo+num_moves);
pgn->comment[n].pv[num_moves++] = move;
if (*ptr == ')') break;
i = 0;
else cmove[i++] = *ptr;
while (*ptr++ != ')');
for (i = num_moves - 1; i >= 0; i--) move_undo(pgn->comment[n].pv[i], undo+i);
memset(cmove, 0, 20);
i = 0; znak = 0; mate = 0;
while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '/') {
if (*ptr == '+') znak = 0;
else if (*ptr == '-') znak = 1;
else if (*ptr == 'M') mate = 1;
else if (*ptr != '.') cmove[i++] = *ptr;
if (cmove[0] != 0) {
if (mate) { if (znak) i = -32000; else i = 32000; }
else {
i = atol(cmove);
if (znak) i = -i;
pgn->comment[n].value = i;
if (*ptr == '/') ptr++;
memset(cmove, 0, 20);
i = 0;
while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != ' ') cmove[i++] = *ptr++;
if (cmove[0] != 0) pgn->comment[n].depth = atol(cmove);
while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++;
memset(cmove, 0, 20);
i = 0;
while (*ptr != 0 && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != ' ') cmove[i++] = *ptr++;
if (cmove[0] != 0) pgn->comment[n].time = atol(cmove);

int get_pgn_game(FILE * finp, struct pgn_t * Pgn)
{ char c, cc;
char stroka[1000];
char * ptr;
int i, j, in_comment, in_move, comment_pos, move_pos;
char cmove[20];
int move;
struct undo_t undo[1];

Pgn->WhitePlayer[0] = 0;
Pgn->BlackPlayer[0] = 0;
Pgn->Winner = 0;
Pgn->PlyCount = 0;
do {
fscanf(finp, "%c", &c);
if (c != '1' && c != '\n' && !feof(finp)) {
fgets(stroka, 1000, finp);
if (!stroka) continue;
for (i = 0; stroka[i] != 0 && stroka[i] != ' '; i++) stroka[i] = toupper(stroka[i]);
if (strstr(stroka, "WHITE ")) {
ptr = strchr(stroka, '"');
strcpy(Pgn->WhitePlayer, ptr + 1);
ptr = strchr(Pgn->WhitePlayer, '"');
if (ptr) *ptr = 0;
if (strstr(stroka, "BLACK ")) {
ptr = strchr(stroka, '"');
strcpy(Pgn->BlackPlayer, ptr + 1);
ptr = strchr(Pgn->BlackPlayer, '"');
if (ptr) *ptr = 0;
if (strstr(stroka, "RESULT")) {
ptr = strchr(stroka, '"');
if (ptr[1] == '0') Pgn->Winner = 2;
else if (ptr[1] == '1' && ptr[2] == '-') Pgn->Winner = 1;
if (strstr(stroka, "PLYCOUNT") != NULL) {
ptr = strchr(stroka, '"');
Pgn->PlyCount = strtol(ptr + 1, NULL, 10);
if (c == '1') fscanf(finp, "%c", &cc);
} while ((c != '1' || cc != '.') && !feof(finp));
if (feof(finp)) return 0;
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) Pgn->comment[0].pv[j] = 0;
Pgn->comment[0].value = 0;
Pgn->comment[0].depth = 0;
Pgn->comment[0].time = 0;
i = 0; in_comment = 0; in_move = 0;
do {
fscanf(finp, "%c", &c);
if (c == '[') break;
if (c == '{') {
in_comment = 1;
comment_pos = 0;
memset(stroka, 0, 1000);
if (c == '}') {
if (Pgn->comment[i].pv[0] == 0) {
move_undo(Pgn->Moves[i], undo);
parse_comment(stroka, Pgn, i);
move_do(Pgn->Moves[i], undo);
in_comment = 0;
memset(stroka, 0, 1000);
if (c == '\n') c = ' ';
if (!in_comment) {
if (!in_move && isalpha(c)) {
in_move = 1;
move_pos = 1;
memset(cmove, 0, 20);
cmove[0] = c;
if (in_move && c == ' ') {
move = parse_move(cmove);
if (!move) { printf("Bad move: %s\n", cmove); return 0; }
Pgn->Moves[i] = move;
move_do(move, undo);
in_move = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) Pgn->comment[i].pv[j] = 0;
Pgn->comment[i].value = 0;
Pgn->comment[i].depth = 0;
Pgn->comment[i].time = 0;
memset(stroka, 0, 1000);
if (in_comment) stroka[comment_pos++] = c;
else if (in_move) cmove[move_pos++] = c;
} while (!feof(finp));
return 1;

void board_to_fen(char fen[])
{ int i, j, e, piece;
char *fig[14] = {" "," ","P","p","N","n","B","b","R","r","Q","q","K","k"};
char *pust[9] = {" ","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"};
char *file[8] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h"};
char *rank[8] = {"1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8"};

fen[0] = 0;
for (i = 56; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
e = 0;
for (j = 0; j <= 7; j++) {
piece = Board->square[i + j];
if (piece != 0) {
if (e > 0) {
e = 0;
else e++;
if (e > 0) strcat(fen,pust[e]);
if (i > 0) strcat(fen,"/");
if (Board->turn) strcat(fen," b ");
else strcat(fen," w ");
if (Board->flags == 0) strcat(fen,"-");
else {
if (Board->flags & 1) strcat(fen,"K");
if (Board->flags & 2) strcat(fen,"Q");
if (Board->flags & 4) strcat(fen,"k");
if (Board->flags & 8) strcat(fen,"q");
strcat(fen," ");
if (Board->ep_square == 0) strcat(fen,"-");
else {
strcat(fen,file[Board->ep_square & 7]);
strcat(fen,rank[Board->ep_square >> 3]);

void run_pgn_test(char string[])
{ char * pgn_file;
FILE * finp;
FILE * ft;
FILE * fepd;
int i, j, move;
char cmove[10];
int side, opening;
char position[65536];

pgn_file = strchr(string,' ');
if (pgn_file == NULL) return;
if (strlen(pgn_file) == 0) return;
if ((finp = fopen(pgn_file, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stdout,"Can't Open File %s\n", pgn_file);

ft = fopen("test.txt","w");
fepd = fopen("test.epd","w");
while (!feof(finp)) {
if (!get_pgn_game(finp, Pgn)) break;
if (Pgn->PlyCount != 0) {
side = 0;
if (!memcmp(Pgn->BlackPlayer,"Strelka",7)) side = 1;
fprintf(ft,"White : %s\nBlack : %s\n", Pgn->WhitePlayer, Pgn->BlackPlayer);
if (Pgn->Winner == 0) fprintf(ft,"Winner : Draw");
else if (Pgn->Winner == 1) fprintf(ft,"Winner : White");
else fprintf(ft,"Winner : Black");
fprintf(ft,", PlyCount : %d\n\n",Pgn->PlyCount);
for (i = 0; i < Pgn->PlyCount; i++) {
opening = 0;
if (Pgn->comment[i].pv[0] == 0 && Pgn->comment[i].depth == 0) opening = 1;
if (!opening && (i & 1) == side && Pgn->comment[i].value > -200) {
// не дебют, ход Стрелки и еще не проиграно - сохраняем позицию в EPD
strcpy(position,"position startpos moves");
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
move_to_string(Pgn->Moves[j], cmove);
strcat(position," ");
strcat(position, cmove);
// преобразуем позицию в FEN
// добавляем лучший ход, предложенный ранее соперником или наш текущий
if (i > 0 && Pgn->comment[i-1].pv[1] != 0) move = Pgn->comment[i-1].pv[1];
else move = Pgn->Moves[i];
move_to_string(move, cmove);
fprintf(fepd,"%s bm %s",position,cmove);
if (i < Pgn->PlyCount - 2) {
if (Pgn->comment[i].value > Pgn->comment[i+2].value + 20) {
fprintf(fepd," ; key");
if ((i & 1) == 0) fprintf(ft,"%3d. ",(i / 2) + 1);
move_to_string(Pgn->Moves[i], cmove);
if (cmove[4] == 0) { cmove[4] = ' '; cmove[5] = 0; }
fprintf(ft,"%s ", cmove);
if (Pgn->comment[i].pv[0] == 0 && Pgn->comment[i].depth == 0) {
fprintf(ft,"opening ");
else {
fprintf(ft,"( ");
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (Pgn->comment[i].pv[j] != 0) {
move_to_string(Pgn->comment[i].pv[j], cmove);
if (cmove[4] == 0) { cmove[4] = ' '; cmove[5] = 0; }
fprintf(ft,"%s", cmove);
else fprintf(ft," ");
if (j == 0) fprintf(ft," ");
fprintf(ft," %6d/%2d %3d ",
if ((i & 1) || (i + 1) == Pgn->PlyCount) fprintf(ft,"\n");



void parse_position(char string[])
{ const char * fen;
char * moves;
const char * ptr;
char move_string[256];
int move;
struct undo_t undo[1];

fen = strstr(string,"fen ");
moves = strstr(string,"moves ");
if (fen != NULL) {
if (moves != NULL) moves[-1] = 0; // Das ist UCI
else board_from_fen(start_pos);
if (moves != NULL) {
ptr = moves+6;
while (*ptr != 0) {
move_string[0] = *ptr++;
move_string[1] = *ptr++;
move_string[2] = *ptr++;
move_string[3] = *ptr++;
if (*ptr == 0 || *ptr == ' ') move_string[4] = 0;
else { move_string[4] = *ptr++; move_string[5] = 0; }
move = move_from_string(move_string);
move_do(move, undo);
while (*ptr == ' ') ptr++;

void parse_setoption(char string[])
{ char *name, *value;
int size;

name = strstr(string,"name ");
value = strstr(string,"value ");
if (name == NULL || value == NULL || name >= value) return;
value[-1] = 0;
name += 5;
value += 6;
if (!memcmp(name,"Hash",4)) {
size = atoi(value);
if (size >= 4 && size <= 1024) {
if (!memcmp(name,"MultiPV",7)) {
size = atoi(value);
if (size >= 1 && size <= 100) {
MultiPV = size;

void get_uci_command()
{ char string[65536];
char *ptr;

(void)fgets(string, 65536, stdin);
if (feof(stdin)) exit(0);
ptr = strchr(string, '\n');
if (ptr != NULL) *ptr = 0;
// Parse
if (!strcmp(string, "uci")) {
fprintf(stdout,"id name Strelka 2.0 B\n");
fprintf(stdout,"id author Jury Osipov\n");
fprintf(stdout,"option name Hash type spin default 32 min 4 max 1024\n");
fprintf(stdout,"option name MultiPV type spin default 1 min 1 max 100\n");
else if (!strcmp(string,"ucinewgame")) {
if (!Searching && !Delay) trans_clear();
else if (!strcmp(string,"isready")) {
else if (!strcmp(string,"ponderhit")) {
if (Searching) Infinite = 0;
else if (Delay) { send_best_move(); Delay = 0; }
else if (!memcmp(string,"position",8)) {
if (!Searching && !Delay) parse_position(string);
else if (!memcmp(string,"setoption",9)) {
if (!Searching && !Delay) parse_setoption(string);
else if (!memcmp(string,"go",2)) {
if (!Searching && !Delay) start_go(string);
else if (!strcmp(string,"stop")) {
if (Searching) { stop_search = 1; Infinite = 0; }
else if (Delay) { send_best_move(); Delay = 0; }
else if (!strcmp(string,"quit")) exit(0);
#ifdef TEST_VER
else if (!memcmp(string,"epd",3)) run_epd_test(string);
else if (!memcmp(string,"pgn",3)) run_pgn_test(string);